Retro Review: Matt Bianco, Basia, and Swing Out SisterThe creative achievements by artists of all kinds can still be discovered and enjoyed years after their creations were new and first…Dec 4, 2024Dec 4, 2024
Catching Up with Jazz Violin Virtuoso Èlia BastidaAt the age of 29, Èlia Bastida has spent the past decade firmly establishing herself as one of the world’s premiere jazz violinists, and is…Oct 16, 2024Oct 16, 2024
Joe Magnarelli Returns to the SAJBWhen a jazz band in Barcelona consisting of mostly teen and pre-teen musicians attracts many of today’s finest American jazz pros, you know…Oct 9, 2024Oct 9, 2024
A Jazz Giant and a Kids’ Band: Scott Hamilton’s History with the SAJBThere is something special about the relationship between one of the finest and most respected American jazz musicians of the past fifty…Sep 16, 20241Sep 16, 20241
“Best of the Britcoms” at 25If I may be permitted this shameless act of self-indulgence…Aug 26, 2024Aug 26, 2024
Published inRock n’ HeavyWoodstock, My Teacher, and MeThis week marks the 55th anniversary of Woodstock — the legendary, three-day concert, happening, and community mud bath that served as…Aug 15, 20242Aug 15, 20242
Those Hilarious British Panel ShowsThis autumn will mark the 25th anniversary of my first book publication, Best of the Britcoms, celebrating the finest of British situation…Jul 31, 2024Jul 31, 2024
Joan Chamorro and the SAJB in 2024The Sant Andreu Jazz Band has been a consistently inspiring yet ever-changing entity (especially in terms of personnel) since its creation…Jun 23, 2024Jun 23, 2024
“Perry Mason” and its Entertaining ImperfectionsIt has become part of the American subconscious, whenever we find ourselves grasping for the name of a brilliant lawyer on the way to…Jun 21, 2024Jun 21, 2024
Has “Fawlty Towers” Been Overrated?The popular British sitcom Fawlty Towers has made its way to London’s West End, premiering there at the Apollo Theatre on May 4. The…May 4, 2024May 4, 2024